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ONE TIME OFFER: For $19.95 you can get your new copy of the Brain Health Training Guide (soft cover book) that covers everything you need to know to start on the road to maximizing your brain fitness. It includes chapters about nutrition for brain fortification, nootropics, brain hacking, brain plasticity, and how to increase your brainpower with simple changes to your lifestyle. My book will show you how to take it to the next level with simple tips & tricks to maximize your brain power. If you're not happy I'll refund your money and you can keep the book. No questions asked.

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Check out what others are saying who have already tried this unique formula:


"As a writer, my brain and my ability to think clearly and creatively is everything... It's not just my occupation but it's also my identity... it's who I am. At 52 years old, I began to experience a numb pressure at the front of my head and I would sometimes struggle to find the right words to use in my writing or remember stories to use as analogies. I began to experiment with different supplements but nothing seemed to clear this brain fog that had been haunting me. Then I stumbled upon Brain Power Genesis. I figured I would give it a shot. But honestly, after my previous disappointments with other supplements, I wasn't expecting much. I would have been thrilled if it just gave me a little relief from my hazy symptoms. To my surprise, I noticed a difference on the second day. And by the end of the week I no longer had that numb pressure on my head and my creative juices were flowing better than ever! Brain Power Genesis is AWESOME!"


Steve Williams, NJ


I noticed I was sharper on the road, focusing on my daily tasks more, and quicker at decision making after a month of taking!” 


Justin Bishop, San Diego, CA


"I could feel a difference after taking Brain Power Genesis. Felt more focused and it helped me with my mood swings."


Ruth Chestnut, Homewood, CA


"I took three capsules which after 45 minutes produced a very clear head space for me. Brain Power Genesis is a very appropriately named product."


Jonathan Roseland


"About an hour after taking Brain Power Genesis, I felt a calm sense of focus, I felt my MOOD WAS BETTER, I had a little LESS ANXIETY and I was SHARPER MENTALLY"


Mike, NOOTROPICS ZONE, East Taunton, MA
(Top Nootropics Bogger)


"It's (Brain Power Genesis) well-dosed (much better than many competitors on the market), it has a nice mix of supplements, it makes you MORE FOCUSED and RELAXED, and I believe it can positively influence your memory or even SLOW DOWN COGNITIVE DECLINE."


Grega Gostincar, Your Inception
(Top Nootropics Blogger)

 2019 Brain Power Genesis- All Rights Reserved
 2018 Brain Power Genesis
 All Rights Reserved
Tahoma, CA 96142
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products and information on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this site is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please speak with an appropriate healthcare professional when evaluating any wellness related therapy. Please read the full medical disclaimer before taking any of the products offered on this site.